Board of Directors

The Board of Directors has 10 members, one member from each of the four Atlantic provincial governments, as well as a representative from Environment and Climate Change Canada. The remaining 5 Board members are drawn from sectors, stakeholders and rights-holders from across the region and beyond. The role of the Board is to strategically lead the organization.

A group photo of seven members of the CLIMAtlantic board of directors in front of a black background.
Le français suit. Alain Bourque smiles at the camera for a headshot which is framed by a blue circle. Alain Bourque sourit à l'appareil photo pour un cliché de tête qui est encadré par un cercle jaune.
Alain Bourque


Alain Bourque is the Executive Director of Ouranos – Consortium on Regional Climatology and Adaptation to Climate Change. An expert on climate change and adaptation Mr. Bourque contributes regularly to media stories and policy discussions. Before being named Executive Director in 2013, he helped establish over 200 projects on vulnerability, impacts and adaptation in Quebec with Ouranos. He was a meteorologist/climatologist with Environment and Climate Change Canada from 1989 to 2001.

Léa Braschi smiles at the camera for a headshot which is framed by a blue.
Léa Braschi

CBCL – Climate and Water Resources Scientist

Léa Braschi is a climate specialist and data analyst with CBCL Limited, a consulting firm based in Atlantic Canada. Léa conducts analyses of historical and projected climate data to create products, information, and tools useful for different sectors. Léa works closely with experts in many fields, including climate risk & adaptation, water resources, coastal, infrastructure, and planning.

Le français suit. Danielle Leger smiles at the camera for a headshot which is framed by an orange circle. Danielle Leger sourit à l'appareil photo pour un cliché de tête qui est encadré par un cercle vert.
Danielle Léger

Director, Province of NB

Danielle Léger is the Director of Adaptation at the New Brunswick Climate Change Secretariat. The Adaptation section facilitates the dissemination of climate change science and guidance to the public, communities and stakeholders in the service of climate-informed decision making.

Gerald Crane smiles at the camera for a headshot which is framed by an orange circle.
Gerald Crane

Director, NL – Government Relations, Research & Analysis

Gerald Crane is the Director of Government Relations, Research and Analysis with the Climate Change Branch of the Department of Environment and Climate Change. He has led a research and information development program since 2009 focusing on downscaling climate change projections, understanding sea level rise, and disseminating climate change information to stakeholders.

Le français suit. Todd Dupuis smiles at the camera for a headshot which is framed by a blue circle. Todd Dupuis sourit à l'appareil photo pour un cliché de tête qui est encadré par un cercle jaune.
Todd Dupuis


Todd Dupuis is a graduate of the University of Prince Edward Island and has worked in the watershed restoration field for more than 25 years. As a technical advisor for many community-based stream restoration projects across Prince Edward Island and to the Government of Prince Edward Island on fish passage issues, Todd has built strong relationships with many environmental stakeholders within the province. Todd co-authored the “Technical Manual for Watershed Management on Prince Edward Island” and has taught at the university level. As a member of the Prince Edward Island Round Table on Resource Land Use and Stewardship Commission he has supported the development of a resource land strategy for the province. Todd co-chaired the National Climate Change Adaptation working group for the development of the Pan-Canadian Framework on Clean Growth and Climate Change.

Le français suit. Heather Morrison smiles at the camera for a headshot which is framed by a green circle. Heather Morrison sourit à l'appareil photo pour un cliché de tête qui est encadré par un cercle bleu.
Heather Morrison

Environment and Climate Change Canada

Dr. Morrison has spent her career at the interface between science and decision-making. She has worked as a research scientist in the field of ecotoxicology, a senior science advisor and research manager in the field of air quality, and as a director of climate research. These positions have provided Dr. Morrison with the opportunity to work closely with decision-makers to deliver relevant and credible science to support policy and regulatory development. Dr. Morrison received her BSc in Biological Sciences from Queen’s University and a PhD in Ecotoxicology from the University of Windsor. She has received the Queen Elizabeth II Diamond Jubilee Award and the Departmental Citation for People Management for her leadership.

Jamie Burke smiles for a headshot, framed by a green circle.
Jamie Burke


Jamie Burke is the Atlantic Lead for Urban Planning, and a Project Manager with Stantec’s Ottawa and Atlantic Community Development Team based in Moncton. Jamie has held several senior roles in municipal government, including Chief Administrative Officer and Senior Manager of Corporate Projects with the former Town of Sackville, Senior Planner with the City of Moncton and the Greater Moncton Planning District Commission and planning roles with the Scottish Environmental Protection Agency and the Eastern District Planning Commission. Jamie has a Master of Environmental Studies (Planning) from York University, a Bachelor of Science from Mount Allison University, and has undertaken training in Urban Design with the American Planning Association. Jamie is on the Board of Directors for the Atlantic Planners Institute, is the former President of the New Brunswick Association of Planners and has served on several committees with the Canadian Institute of Planners. He is also a part-time lecturer at Mount Allison University. Jamie is a Registered Professional Planner in New Brunswick is a member of the Canadian Institute of Planners.

Le français suit. Robert Way smiles at the camera for a headshot which is framed by a blue circle. Robert Way sourit à l'appareil photo pour un cliché de tête qui est encadré par un cercle bleu.
Robert Way

Queens University

Dr. Robert Way is a Kallunângajuk (Nunatsiavummiut) from central Labrador. He is currently an Assistant Professor and leads the Northern Environmental Geoscience Laboratory in the Department of Geography and Planning at Queen’s University in Kingston, Ontario, Canada. Dr. Way’s research program aims to augment our understanding of the interactions between various components of northern geosystems and ecosystems, and to support prediction of the terrestrial impacts of climate change on ecosystems, geosystems, infrastructure and people. As an Indigenous northerner, Dr. Way’s experiences and relationships with community have profoundly shaped the 10+ years he has been working on issues related to climate change in Labrador.