Funding Spotlight: Empowering Youth-Led Climate Change Adaptation

When: January 29th, 6:00 – 7:00pm Atlantic

Where: Online via Zoom

Register here by January 28th.

Join us on January 29th for an inspiring event that empowers youth in Atlantic Canada to take climate action! The event will feature a short presentation on climate change adaptation, followed by opportunities to hear from various funding organizations that can support youth-led adaptation initiatives.

The funds that will be discussed during this event include:

While there is no age limit for attending this event, please note that some of the funding opportunities may have age restrictions.

This webinar is funded by the Nova Scotia Government.



CLIMAtlantic’s webinar series: Balancing Community Needs and Climate Change Within Nature-Based Approaches

When: January 22nd, 12:00 – 12:45pm Atlantic

Where: Online via Zoom

We are excited to welcome Adam Cheeseman, Program Director at Nature NB, and Allison Mackay, Conservation Planner at Birds Canada, as our presenters for this event.

They will discuss the project Wele’k Pemjajika’q Siknikt – Healthy Coasts NB, exploring the complexities of conservation work and the challenges of balancing multiple priorities—such as species at risk, human communities, nature, and future climate projections. Two case studies will highlight this balancing act: a marram grass planting initiative on Miscou Island, NB, and a living shoreline project in Bathurst, NB.

Webinar Series Banner

Electricity Sector Community of Practice

When: January 17th, 8:30am–12pm Atlantic

Where: Cole Harbour Place (51 Forest Hills Parkway, Dartmouth, NS B2W 6C6)

This will be an opportunity for interested parties to network and learn about the Climate Adaptation Strategy for Nova Scotia’s Electricity Sector and learn about some of the electricity adaptation work taking place throughout the province. The event will take place in Halifax from 8:30am to 12pm on Friday, January 17th, with the option to participate online.

 If you have any questions or need further information, please reach out to emily.kennedy@climatlantic.ca.

Climate Adaptation & Resilience Training (CART) Information Session

When: December 3, 2024

Where: Online on Zoom

Come learn more about the program, ask questions, and meet the provincial cohort leads and supports. French interpretation will be provided during the session. Missed the session? Watch the recording here

CLIMAtlantic’s webinar series: Enhancing New Brunswick’s Coastal Resilience Through Innovative Research

When: November 28, 2024, at 12-12:30 PM  Atlantic

Where: Online via Zoom

We are pleased to welcome our guest speaker André Robichaud, geography professor at Moncton University.

André’s new research uses photogrammetric techniques and drones to determine the erosion rates, at-risk areas, and the resilience of natural environments in New Brunswick. Come learn and discuss short- and long-term adaptation efforts to enhance coastal resiliency.

Idea Exchange: ECCC Funding – Nature Smart Climate Solutions Fund

November 18, 2024 at 1:30 – 3:30pm Atlantic.

We hosted a bilingual idea exchange for an upcoming call for proposals under the Nature Smart Climate Solutions Fund (Environment and Climate Change Canada), which is open to organizations including provincial governments, municipalities, NGOs, academic institutions, professional/ industry associations and Indigenous organizations for projects that reduce the loss, restore, or improve the management of carbon-rich ecosystems. These projects will also benefit important habitat for migratory birds, species at risk and other species of cultural and/or socio-economic importance to local communities.

Idea Exchange: FCM Funding – Climate Ready Plans and Processes

The Federation of Canadian Municipalities’ (FCM) Green Municipal Fund has announced that its Climate Ready Plans and Processes Funding stream is open for applications. This funding aims to assist municipalities and Indigenous communities in developing climate adaptation plans, climate-focused asset management strategies, community-wide climate risk assessments, and capacity-building initiatives. 

To support communities in our region with applying for this funding, CLIMAtlantic hosted a virtual funding discussion. This call brought together interested communities and partners from across the Atlantic region to discuss this funding opportunity.

Nova Scotia Climate Adaptation Community of Practice – Field Trip to Mahone Bay

The NS Climate Adaptation Community Practice hosted a coastal adaptation field trip to Mahone Bay on October 25th, 10:00 am – 3:00 pm.

This event will included a showcase of the Mahone Bay living shoreline, hearing from organizations that are a part of the project, and learning about coastal adaptation in Mahone Bay. .


CLIMAtlantic’s webinar series: Living Shoreline in Dartmouth, Nova Scotia

When: October 23, 2024, at 12-1 PM  ADT

Where: Online via Zoom

We are kicking off our webinar series with a discussion about the Banook Lake living shoreline project in Dartmouth, NS – the first of its kind in the Halifax Regional Municipality (HRM). We heard from Shauna Doll, Environmental Specialist with HRM, who was one of the leads on the project.

Webinar series banner and a picture of Shauna Doll

Idea Exchange – HeatADAPT

We hosted an online Idea Exchange for organizations interested in applying to the HeatADAPT funding from Health Canada on August 13, 2024.

Idea Exchange – Local Leadership for Climate Adaptation

We hosted an online Idea Exchange for organizations interested in applying to the Local Leadership for Climate Adaptation program from the Green Municipal Fund on July 10, 2024.

Nova Scotia Climate Adaptation Community of Practice

On May 2, 2024, we hosted a full day of networking, collaboration and learning from each other at our first NS Climate Adaptation Community of Practice event for those working on climate change adaptation in Nova Scotia.

Idea Exchange: NRCan Funding – Climate-Resilient Coastal Communities

NRCan recently launched its new Climate-Resilient Coastal Communities (CRCC) funding program! On Thursday October 19, 2023 from 1-4pm (ADT) we hosted an Idea Exchange to discuss project ideas.

Idea Exchange & Discussion: NRCan’s Climate Change Adaptation Program

Join CLIMAtlantic on August 10, 2023 at 3pm (ADT) to explore ideas, potential projects and collaborators for funding proposals for Climate Change Adaptation Program from Natural Resources Canada (NRCan)! 

Since there are separate processes and timelines for Indigenous and non-Indigenous applicants, this online workshop provided tailored facilitated networking and collaboration opportunities for each.

Advancing Adaptation Actions in Atlantic Canada

WHEN: Wednesday May 24, 2023

WHERE: Crowne Plaza Moncton, 1005 Main Street, Moncton, NB and online

This one-day, hybrid conference showcased implemented adaptation work from across Atlantic Canada, novel approaches to adaptation, examples of how people have overcome barriers and obstacles, approaches to broaden the conversation, and recent and ongoing work to include nature in adaptation work.

View the agenda here!

Preparing for change – weathering the Fionas of tomorrow


When: Tuesday March 21, 2023

On Tuesday, March 21st, CLIMAtlantic launched our Coastal Adaptation Toolkit (CAT), an online toolkit which provides Atlantic rural coastal communities and property owners with adaptation options to address the impacts from climate change.

CLIMAtlantic also launched our short documentary, Together We Will Adapt. Atlantic Canada increasingly feels the impacts from climate change. This 12-min short documentary highlights some adaptation actions from the region.

Climate Change Adaptation – Evaluating our Work


When: Thursday March 2, 2023

This event built foundational knowledge about evaluation and how it can be utilized to monitor and improve adaptation work. Patricia King (Executive Vice President, Insights) and Sabrina Anderson (Qualitative Manager, Insights) of Dig Insights led the session. There were presentations on evaluation basics, breakout group discussions, and case study examples from Dig Insights’ work with organizations such as CLIMAtlantic, ClimateSense, and Government of Prince Edward Island on evaluation of climate adaptation training, programs, service delivery, etc.

Atlantic Canada Flood Mapping Conference

Natural Resources Canada partnered with CLIMAtlantic to host the first Atlantic Canada Flood Mapping Conference

Halifax, Nova Scotia (Virtual & in-person)

When: October 5 and 6, 2022

The Atlantic Canada Flood Mapping Conference aimed to address some of the key challenges concerning flood hazard mapping methodologies applied in the Atlantic provinces. The event hosted presentations from both flood mapping practitioners and flood map users followed by interactive discussions to facilitate knowledge sharing across academia, government, non-profit organizations, Indigenous communities, and consultants.

The targeted outcome was to bring more clarity for local stakeholders across the flood mapping framework, as well as highlight best practices in the region.

Promotional graphic for the Atlantic Canada Flood Mapping Conference