by Kate DesRoches | Nov 7, 2023 | Adaptation, Blog, Climate Data in Action
Image credit: UPEI School of Climate Change and Adaptation Drone Team, Savage Harbour, PEI, D. E. Jardine. Introduction Just over a year ago, Hurricane Fiona caused significant damage across Atlantic Canada (Mulligan, 2022; Santa Maria, 2022). Since then, a number of...
by Anna Jamieson | Oct 26, 2023 | Atlantic, Blog, Climate Action, Climate Change
Originally published in Water Source, Fall/Winter 2023, Canadian Water & Wastewater Association. There is a perceptible change underway in climate action; one that is long overdue. Undoubtedly a result of leadership from likely and unlikely places, there is a...
by Kate DesRoches | Oct 16, 2023 | Adaptation, Adaptation, Atlantic, Atlantic, Blog, Blog
On September 28, CLIMAtlantic co-hosted a workshop with Evergreen Canada’s Community Solutions Network. The hybrid event took place in Moncton and featured speakers on topics related to data and technology approaches to climate adaptation and resilience. The workshop...
by Kate DesRoches | Oct 5, 2023 | Adaptation, Atlantic, Blog, Climate Change, Forest fires, Urban planning
Image credit: Google Maps, accessed on October 4, 2023. Background: Fire in Atlantic Canada Fire is and has been a natural part of forest ecosystems across Canada. While it is more common in the western and central parts of the country, fire has also historically...
by leslievp | Sep 7, 2023 | Adaptation, Atlantic, Blog, Climate Change
Image Credit: Town of Sackville, 2019, Lorne Street Stormwater Mitigation Project Phase II Update Part 2 of the climate change adaptation and resilience blog post series puts theory into practice by examining the interconnectedness of adaptation and resilience. Part 1...
by leslievp | Sep 7, 2023 | Adaptation, Atlantic, Blog, Climate Change
Image Credit: Coastal Action, n.d., Mahone Bay Living Shoreline Hurricane Fiona Update When it comes to responding to climate change’s impacts, two terms often cross paths: adaptation and resilience. Sometimes used interchangeably and often used together, what do they...
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